FOI release

Computer aided dispatch logs

Case reference FOI2024/00176

Received 31 December 2024

Published 30 January 2025


- Can you give me the category and final disposition of every single 999 call made on the 31st of December? 2024 plus calls received from other sources such as VHF radio - Can you supply me a copy of the survival guidance sop? - Ideally, also provide me a copy of a call handling script and how you categorize calls? - Is there any way that I can listen to your dispatchers live? - Can you also provide details of any plan to fix the Tetra exploits? Have you got a plan to fix the airwave tetra radio burst exploits that exist at the moment and, what I would like to know is have you got any plans to fix the airwave tetra burst exploits which are essentially slipping away the encryption on your radio's.


Please see the response in the link below


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